Is it Really Necessary to Reframe our Definition of Success or is Something Else Going On?

Over the past couple of years there’s been much discussion in the press about redefining success and examining our society’s current view of success. Arianna Huffington’s book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, published in March of this year, has stimulated the discussion anew. But, do we really need to redefine success right now and do we even agree with the definition of success that’s being held up for us to redefine? Huffington points to money and power as the two metrics friends, colleagues, and the world at large use to define success and advocates adding the third metric of wellbeing to balance the other two like the third leg of a stool. And, she has very laudably implemented policies at The Huffington Post to give employees the opportunity to act on the recommendations in her book to avoid overwhelm and burnout and attend to well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving. To me, well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving sounds great; what I challenge is the premise that money and power are the metrics of success that we are all using and that the stress and burnout we experience results from our efforts to achieve the success metrics of money and power. I don’t believe everyone defines or measures success in the same way or that everyone is primarily motivated by money and power. I think individuals’ motivations are far more complex and that there are many more factors besides seeking money and power contributing to the current epidemic of overwhelm and burnout. What do you think?

Please join us on September 19th; we’ll discuss success, how we define it, how we achieve it, what toll the pursuit of success takes, and what we should do about it.

Please note: The roundtable is a “brown bag” event and it is recommended that participants bring their lunch to eat during the roundtable. We’ll also have beverages and popcorn to share.
About the Roundtable: The Women’s Leadership Roundtable is an open forum for women, as leaders of themselves and others, to discuss relevant leadership issues, build community and network, collaborate with, learn from, and support one another. It provides an opportunity for women to share their experiences, engage in thought-provoking discussion, and to generate ideas and growth together. The roundtable is an ongoing event, open to the public, held on the 3rd Friday of the month from January through October in a Denver area location. You are encouraged to attend as frequently as possible and bring your ideas, issues, and interests to the discussion. There is a $10 charge for the roundtable, paid in advance when registering online, and a $12 charge.


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