Rising Above Bullying: How Can We Do It and Make it Stick?

Bullying behaviors are on the rise. And though these behaviors should be universally reviled, that isn’t what always happens. When people see these behaviors modeled by those in high profile positions and extensively covered by the media, the result can be social influence favoring this behavior. Young people are especially influenced by behaviors modeled by people in positions of authority...
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Women, Advocating for Ourselves and Each Other: What is the Best Way?

Advocating for ourselves in an effective way, especially in the workplace, is a critically important skill, and perhaps now, is more important than ever. Advocating for each other, both in the workplace and in general, both locally and globally, is particularly important, especially in the current political climate. So, even though the majority of women are uncomfortable with engaging in...
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Overloaded and Overstimulated: What Can We Do About It?

I remember the days of being very overloaded at work with far too much to do and not enough time to do it. I remember how hard it was to have a demanding job with heavy travel while earning my MBA and also having a husband and two teenagers at home who needed my attention too. It was challenging and very stressful. It was also a long time ago and while I remember feeling overloaded and was often...
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Friends are Essential; How Do We Surround Ourselves with the Right Ones?

Research has shown that friends are essential to personal happiness and that the quality of our friendships has a huge impact on the quality of our lives. Friends help lift our moods and improve our health. Having at least four friends can even help us live significantly longer. In 2001, researchers at Duke University found that people with fewer than four friends were more than twice as likely...
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What is Behind the (Far Too Common) Failure of Women to Help Other Women in the Workplace and What Can Be Done About It?

According to Madeline Albright, “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” But why wouldn’t women help one another at every opportunity? Shouldn’t it be easy enough for women to help one another whenever possible, particularly in the workplace? It turns out that it isn’t all that simple and women don’t always naturally help one another in the...
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How do we stamp out fear in the workplace (and other places it doesn’t belong)?

The September Roundtable discussion on “What’s holding you back? Could it be fear?” was wonderful and since we agreed that we wanted the discussion to continue, that’s just what we’ll be doing for our last Women’s Leadership Roundtable of the year. We want to explore what’s going on with fear in the workplace (and maybe even in our personal and professional relationships as well)...
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