What is Behind the (Far Too Common) Failure of Women to Help Other Women in the Workplace and What Can Be Done About It?

According to Madeline Albright, “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” But why wouldn’t women help one another at every opportunity? Shouldn’t it be easy enough for women to help one another whenever possible, particularly in the workplace? It turns out that it isn’t all that simple and women don’t always naturally help one another in the...
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Business Ethics: What is a Leader to do?

Though the corporate mismanagement, corruption, and accounting scandals at big public companies like Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, Health South, and Arthur Andersen that resulted in the creation of Sarbanes-Oxley Practices for Good Corporate Governance may seem like bad memories from the past, the crisis of ethics is far from over. Unethical business practices are on the rise according to...
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How do we stamp out fear in the workplace (and other places it doesn’t belong)?

The September Roundtable discussion on “What’s holding you back? Could it be fear?” was wonderful and since we agreed that we wanted the discussion to continue, that’s just what we’ll be doing for our last Women’s Leadership Roundtable of the year. We want to explore what’s going on with fear in the workplace (and maybe even in our personal and professional relationships as well)...
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What’s Holding You Back?

Humans are hard-wired to react quickly to danger or threats to ensure survival. And though the types of danger and threats we face today are very different from those our cave-dwelling ancestors faced, the impact on our lives is just as profound, perhaps even more so. The challenges of our modern lives are vastly different from the ones we faced when we were hunters and gatherers so long ago....
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What Can Practicing Mindfulness Do For You?

With its origins in ancient Buddhist meditation practices, mindfulness has been practiced for a very long time – about 2500 years. Mindfulness techniques have traditionally been employed for spiritual development, to strengthen concentration, to unlock human potential, and to achieve a state of inner peace. Over the last 35 years, mindfulness has been extensively researched by scientists so...
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